We would like to introduce to you our team of sponsored riders/Ambassadors for 2019!
Amelia Fitzgerald
28 Year old Eventing and Showjumping rider situated in Gympie QLD
You can Follow Amelia’s Success and journey on her facebook page: Moonlight lodge Equestrianor Instagram : Miss_millie_and_co
Or her Instagram: millie_plus_moonlights
Gerogia Salmon
26 year old Rider and coach in Victoria
You can Follow Gerogia’s Success and journey on her Instagram page @georgia_salmon_equine
Chrissy Hynard
Is an Eventing rider and Coach located on the Sunshine Coast
You can Follow Chrissy’s Success and journey on her Instagram page @silverfoxeventing
Nathan Harvey
para Olympic gold medalist from North Mclean Qld follow his journey at nathan harvey equestrian team on facebook.